//AirSearch-Walkthrough// //////////////////////// Mission 1: ---------- Go forward until the end of the basement. Turn to the right. Then forward and you find the airtank. An enemy is coming from three o'clock. Go backward and wait. If he is in front of you, shoot. Mission 2: ---------- Go forward until the door. Destroy it with an explosive charge. There is an enemy directly behind the door. If you have killed him you will come in a hall. The left way takes you to the train but there is an enemy with a machine gun. So go to the right, to the toilet. Flush the WC, the enemy comes to you and you can shoot him up. After that you can go to the train and blow it up. Mission 3: ---------- The first enemy is creeping. Use this time to set an explosive charge for the second at the position (5;2). Then go to the position (1;1) to kill the first one (you mustn't lose any second in this part, otherwise the time won't suffice). If the second enemy walks on the normal field, where you have set the explosive charge, blow him up. Now you can hear the screams of a captive on position (4;6). Go to this one and punch him (simply move on his field). Now the third enemy appears and you can kill him. Mission 4: ---------- There are several methods to manage this stage. One is: Go one the field (4;3). Turn to the right and kill the first enemy. Then go to (6;3). Wait until the second enemy is in front of you and shoot him up. The next enemy appears behind you, so move fast one field forward and make then a sidestep to the left. Now you have found the airtank. Turn to the right and wait until the enemy is in front of you to shoot him up. Wait a moment and do the same with the fourth. Turn 180° and wait for the next enemy. After you have killed him turn again 180° and wait for the last one. Mission 5: ---------- The positions of the machine guns are: (1;3) looking southward (2;3) looking eastward (9;3) looking southward (8;5) looking westward (4;7) looking eastward (8;9) looking northward At first destroy the machine gun on (8;9). Then on (4;7), possible if you destroy the bench in front of it. Because the gun on (8;9) is destroyed, you can go on (8;7), detonate there an explosive charge and shoot the gun on (8;5) up. Go on (2;5), destroy the bench and then the gun on (2;3). Now you can go to the altar and set there an explosive charge. Mission complete.